Code of Conduct and Best Practice


To act as a recognised, credible body linking bubble artistes from around the world. To foster collaboration between bubble artistes through mutual support and shared knowledge.

To encourage community outreach to share the joy, entertainment and therapeutic benefits of the art of bubbles.

To improve, enhance and elevate the art form and its use for entertainment and therapy.


The Association is founded on and committed to the principles of unity, trust, fellowship, equality and inclusivity.

To have a proactive approach to diversity and inclusion amongst our members, and to ensure the membership both prevents discrimination, and is more representative of world populations in terms of gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, age, neurodiversity, physical ability or citizenship. Aliens and misfits welcome.

The Association will seek to share advice amongst members about safe practice in order to protect the welfare of our members, their customers, the public and the environment.

Code of Conduct

Members are expected to treat one another, other performers, patrons and others whom they come into contact with through their work with honesty, kindness, dignity and respect.While the sharing of knowledge and ideas is encouraged between members of the Association, professional bubble performers treat intellectual property with respect and consideration, seeking permission and giving credit, when possible, to the originators.

Safe Practices Guidelines

  • General considerations-
    • Carry proper insurance; licensing; and/or background checks for your area/venues
    • Be on time and dependable
    • Dress appropriately for the venue and audience
    • Behave in a professional manner
    • Set good examples
    • Avoid being alone with under-age individuals 
  • Bubble Solution and Equipment-
    • Use fresh uncontaminated bubble solution for every public event and performance
    • Dispose of unused bubble solution in treated sewer lines only to prevent harmful chemicals from entering natural water sources and underground water supplies
    • Design and Manufacture of bubble related products is to adhere to relevant health and safety regulations and be to high quality standards
  • Stage Shows-
    • Use appropriate floor covering(s) to prevent slipping and/or damage to venue floors 
    • When working with electricity, all appliances have valid electrical testing approval
    • When performing Bubble Fire effects do so responsibly; Through risk assessment, insurance and adhering to regulations ensure the safety of the public, the performers and the venue
  • Outdoor Performances-
    • Never leave liquid-filled buckets/tubs unattended 
    • Limit the amount of bubble solution seepage in soil/grass areas to protect underground insect populations and venue’s grass from excessive damage.
    • Protect natural water sources and aquatic wildlife by not allowing bubbles to land on water surfaces or utilize aquatic-life friendly bubble solutions
    • Be respectful and aware of how the bubbles are affecting the surrounding audience and area. Stop performing, move locations, or change tricks to prevent upsetting people or animals or if there is a risk of injury

*This document is a work in progress, and will continue to evolve and change according to current membership feedback and review process 

AOIBA Version March 2020